Sunday, October 9, 2011


The other day I was in my hair stylist's waiting room thumbing through InStyle magazine, when I came across a small article about this machine that turns bananas into the consistency of frozen yogurt.  I don't particularly care for bananas to begin with-- unless they're throw into a strawberry-banana smoothie-- even then, they're kind of a boring, filling fruit that I rarely eat.  But for some reason, I was intrigued and I wanted this machine.  So after I got my bangs trimmed, I went home and Googled: Yonanas.  Immediately, the website plays an annoying infomercial about the joys of Yonanas and a girl saying that it's all natural, has a texture like ice cream, and you can add flavors to it.  Sounding too good to be true, I decided to do some more research on it.  I'm not going to publicly insult the creator's livelihood, but after doing a little snooping online, I realized that this product wasn't right for me.

But I was still interested to see if maybe I could make my own version of Yonanas at home with a food processor.  So I bought bananas, organic vanilla pudding (hoping that might help somehow) and organic vanilla extract.  I threw all of it in a food processor on low until it was blended.  I will say, that blended bananas in any form (whether it's in a blender, Yonanas, or in a food processor) does not look like ice cream, does not have the same consistency, and is not white.  It's a weird yellowish-brown color.  So right there, Yonanas was wrong.

I put them in small containers and threw them in the freezer, hoping they would take on a more solid consistency.  Now, like I said, I don't really care for bananas, so for me, it just tastes like cold, mashed-up bananas (which is exactly what it is).  But for people who do like this starchy fruit, they seem to like my own version of banana ice cream.  Personally, I'd rather just buy a tub of Tofutti chocolate crunch soy ice cream, and skip the bananas altogether.

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